Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beautiful women...

I have a theory and I share it often with people I don't think will be offended by "grown up words". That theory is... wait for it... if you're offended by "grown up words" stop reading now... okay, here it is... For every beautiful woman, there's a man standing next to her that's tired of fucking her. That's right. Brad Pitt is tired of fucking Angelina Jolie. Jay-Z is tired of fucking Beyonce. Don't get me started on Tiger Woods. I'm not saying the reverse isn't true. Angie might roll her eyes and claim she has her period. Beyonce might pretend to be asleep. And don't get me started on Tiger Woods. My point here is not only the original point that for every beautiful woman, there's a man standing next to her that's tired of fucking her, but also to remind myself (and maybe you) that what looks like a perfect life probably isn't. We never know what goes on behind closed doors. That other mom/wife/daughter/sister/friend who has everything all together really doesn't. That woman who always looks immaculate isn't. Everyone has problems and when we measure ourselves against the imagined perfection of others, we'll always fail. You know what? I kind of like me. I'm judgemental and a bitch. I'm also fiercely loyal and loving. All in all, I'm not tired of fucking me.

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