I am not much of a New Years Resolution girl. I never think of any thing good and have a serious problem with following through. I decided I would post the things that I will do in 2012. I do not resolve to do the following things. These are the new plan.
1. DO something with The Peanut for at least one hour every day. Watching a show will not count. I mean quality, one-on-one time.
2. Do some kind of physical activity every day. This can be going for a walk, sex, playing at the park with Peanut or some other form of physical play. (I can play with The Peanut for an hour and number 1 is taken care of, as well!)
3. Do Zumba for the Wii no less than 3 times a week.
4. Use less salt. This really isn't a problem, I just thought it was a good idea.
5. Drink at least one glass of water every day. By one glass, I mean one of our 32 ounce glasses.
6. Go to at least one gaming type meet up once a month and interact with real, live human beings.
7. Not get discourage if I get off track from my plan. I will get back on the horse the next day. No excuses.
So, there it is. All typed in black and white for the peering eyes of you, interwebs.